MUA Women at ALP Women's Conference

Published: 11 Aug 2014

3 MUA Women attended the ALP Women's conference in August in Canberra. Linda Morich, WA OHS Officer, Mary Prout, Stevedore and Ashleigh Telford, MUA National Office joined 300 women to debate the issues important to women in the Labor Party.


I had the privilege of attending the National Women’s ALP Conference with Linda Morich, WA Occupational Health & Safety Organiser and Ashleigh Telford from National Office in Canberra from the 1/7/14 to 4/8/14.

An amazing time with many familiar faces. Along with having the pleasure of meeting kindred spirits from other states and listening to their issues. Around 300 women attended with 30 being from WA which surprised me and gave the MUA a very strong voice on voting when needed.

Linda who was the most amazing mentor and support through the weekend, wearing her down as she answered so many questions I had while trying to understand all the issues. A debt of gratitude to her.

We split and attended Parallel Sessions throughout the two days;

Climate change and the environment.  Louise Pratt facilitator: This is going to affect the younger generation in the future. Resources and cost are going to be big issues. You need strong leadership in the political arena to get issues across.

Domestic Violence and Homelessness. Winsome Willow speaker;  What a massive issue this is with the Government cutting funds and grants to these areas. The burden and responsibility will only be moved to other sectors of the community.

Shirley Williams from Tasmania spoke of the work they are doing for women. They do art in relation to DV and have an exhibit coming up with Councils, Politicain’s and Dignitaries attending. They have made a short film on DVD which will be launched in Sept. Sins of Silence.

Women in regional areas. Vivian Thompson speaker: An inspiring talk on her journey into Politics.

Wasn’t sure what I would get from this forum as the Nth West women were at the fore front of my thoughts. That the Party engages regionally based women through online technology and information as a major resource for mentoring all our sisters in regional areas. A resolution was passed along these lines.

 There were very good speakers with good information on the subjects, also good debate. Resolution put forward and passed at plenary session.

It was wonderful to have so much representation from the MUA as it played a key role in many resolutions being passed at the Plenary on the Sunday. There needed to be a count of hands several time throughout this afternoon.

I feel the time frame for this conference was far too short as there are so many issues to be discussed and decisions made. It was wonderful to see so many politicians attending as it was a big morale booster for the women. 

In Unity

Mary Prout, Secretary, MUA National Women’s Committee, Delegate.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney